Business Finance For SMEs

Commercial Mortgages
We can assist with commercial mortgages for business premises in a wide variety of industries. Generally we can arrange terms for up to 75% of the property value or business being purchased. A few examples, but not limited to, include industrial units, office buildings, garages, retail units, licenced premises, hotels, leisure parks and agricultural property.
Commercial Mortgages information Sheet
Invoice Finance And Stock Finance
Drawdown cash quickly by converting your debtor book into cash for your business’ working capital needs.
This form of finance is most suitable for businesses with turnover from £100k upwards. Up to 90% of the invoice value is paid upon issue. Every business’ needs are different and we can look at options where the funder takes control of your credit control taking full responsibility for recovering payment of invoices.
Finance options are also available to assist in purchasing trading stock. This type of facility enables you to pay your suppliers on time whilst receiving extended credit terms.

Invoice Finance and Stock Finance information Sheet

Business Loans
There are a great variety of business loans available, depending on circumstances. Examples include Business startup loans, trading business loans and trading business acquisition loans, such as Management-Buy-Outs and Management-Buy-Ins.
Business Finance For SMEs information Sheet
Merchant Cash Advance
We can typically look to raise finance against 1 month’s worth of your business’ debit and credit card sales. You then repay the advance through a percentage of your credit card sales on a daily basis. A facility can be arranged within a few working days.

Asset Finance
A bespoke and flexible solution for asset, plant, vehicles and equipment purchases. Asset finance can be used for basic office equipment such as telephones and photocopiers to high value and heavy plant.
This is suitable for businesses looking to setup or expand but may not have funds readily available to proceed.
There are a number of options available depending on your circumstances, which we can discuss to ensure we arrange the best product for your circumstances.
VAT Bridging
This is a specialist product that can be used to advance the recovery of VAT on commercial property transactions. Loans can vary from £50,000 to £10m with completions in as little as 5 working days.

Professional Practice Loans
We can assist with up to 100% and is typically used towards GP practices, private hospitals, and cosmetic clinics as well as veterinary and dental practices.